Police officer, Criminal Investigative Detective and Crime Scene Investigator. Legal-, forensic- and project management expert, working for the Vienna police and the Ministry of the Interior Austria since 1983. Appointed in 2002 as head of the Central Identification Service Austria and deputy head of Austrian Forensic Services.
Austrian head of delegation within the multilateral “Prüm member state founding group” since the beginning of the Prüm project in 2004. Supporter of numerous EU Member States, EU Council and EU Commission as Prüm evaluator and advisor. Supporter of third countries and Security Organizations such as e.g. the Western Balkan states in the development of international biometric networks and crime scene databases, setting up legal frameworks and Prüm like network systems and supporter of Interpol General Secretariat in DNA and AFIS database development projects. Member of ENFSI expert groups (European Network of Forensic Institutes).
Head of Austrian delegation in different EU Council Management and Information Exchange Working Parties for Law Enforcement Authorities, such as DAPIX WP, DAPIX Interoperability WP and the new EU Council Working Party for Information Exchange / Information Management (IXIM WP) and thus also initiator of the Prüm Next Generation initiative during the Austrian EU presidency as acting Chair of those WP.
Prüm NG initiative resulted on the draft of a Prüm II Regulation in December 2021 by Commission, which will lead to the adoption of an extended EU Council legal draft text in June 2022 under French EU Presidency. Negotiations with the European Parliament will start in second Half 2022 under Czech Presidency and, once this Regulation will be adopted, will bring – as was already possible with Prüm I online solutions – a significant added value to security situation in Europe through new forms of online cooperation between EU Member States and Europol to fight international crime and terrorism.
As chairman of the DAPIX Interoperability WP during Austrian EU presidency in 2018 representative of the EU member states in the IO negotiations for which in December 2018 a possible agreement with the EU Parliament and the European Commission could reached.
With adoption of a the Interoperability Regulations and numerous adoptions of other EU legal acts in line with this IO strategy a completely new EU migration and security strategy was established, which will gradually go live with a new border management system at the beginning of 2023.
Austrian Delegate of International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) in SC 37 Working Party (Biometric data standards).
Member of national Austrian IO implementing program steering committee and project leader for national reorganization of nBMS (National Biometric Matching Systems).
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