IDSF – Speaker Profile

Margherita Natali

Margherita NATALI is a Programme Officer to the Countering Terrorist Travel Section within the UN Office on Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT). Prior to joining UNOCT, Margherita worked for over 8 years in the fields of countering terrorism and cybercrime at UNODC and at the IAEA in Vienna, and at the Italian National Police (Arma dei Carabinieri) as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is currently responsible for the Human Rights and Data Protection-related portfolio within the UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme.

She holds an LLM in International Criminal Law and two years of experience as an Associate Professor in Data Protection Law at the University of Vienna, Austria, with contributions to the University of Manchester, UK; the Naif Arab University on Security Sciences (NAUSS), KSA; the LUISS University, Italy; and the ECRIM – European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.

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