Hanneke Brouwer is a Seconded National Expert from The Netherlands at the EU Centre of Excellence Civilian Crisis Management in Berlin. She is a Chief Superintendent with the National Police of the Netherlands where she has most recently worked as a senior strategic adviser on International Police Cooperation. In 2017-2019 she has worked in Brussels as a senior capability development planner in the EU External Action Service, Security and Defence Policy Directorate/civilian CSDP.
Hanneke has 40 years of experience in policing in various positions, mainly in executive roles. From general policing, community policing to more specialized work such as Highway patrol, Special Tactical Arrest Team, and Specialized Criminal Investigations where technology, and RD&I play a significant role.
She has international experience in the European context as a member of TISPOL (cooperation of chiefs of police in traffic safety), project leader of the evaluation of Maritime Analysis and Operation Centre-Narcotics (Lisbon), and Netherlands representative in the EU Police Service Training (EUPST) Consortium. Hanneke has worked as a senior strategic advisor in police matters in CSDP missions (Kosovo, Afghanistan and Ukraine) and was a member of CSDP mission planning teams.
Hanneke graduated from the EU and UN Senior Mission Leadership Course and holds a Master’s in European Law and Policy from the University of Portsmouth, UK. She is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy, Quantico, USA. Hanneke speaks English, German and Dutch.
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