Guillem Riutord Sampol (1984, Palma de Mallorca) is Head of EEAS ISP.2 / Conflict Prevention and Mediation Support Division since March 2022. Guillem is a Spanish career diplomat and a lawyer who has spent more than half of his career working in the EU diplomatic service. He first worked on regional Latin American affairs, notably migration, and then on Regional Mediterranean Affairs, particularly on the Union for the Mediterranean and on relations with the League of Arab States. Between 2015 and 2018, Guillem was Deputy Head of Mission of the Spanish Embassy to Mali and Burkina Faso, based in Bamako, where he was also consul and cultural attaché. Back in the EEAS HQ in Brussels, Guillem served in the office of the Deputy Secretary General for CSDP and Crisis Response and then became Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Affairs Division.
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