IDSF – Speaker Profile

Crenguta Leaua

Crenguta Leaua, is a law professor habilitatus who teaches comparative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and law of communications and new technologies at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Faculty of Law and Faculty of Cybernetics, Informatics and Statistics for Economy; she is also frequently lecturing at various prestigious universities in New York, Washington, Paris, Berlin, London, Lugano etc.

An experienced international technology-related dispute resolution specialist, she is an expert of United National Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for their Work on technology-related disputes proposed by the governments of Israel and Japan. She is member of the List of the World’s Leading Technology Neutrals – the Tech List®, ranked as a Thought Leader in International Arbitration (WWL Legal), listed by arbitral institutions in Europe, US and Asia and appointed by the European Commission on the panel of arbitrators for solving the disputes arising out of the foreign trade agreements entered by the European Union with other states. She is a past vice-president of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Paris), currently a member of the board of directors of The Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (SVAMC) and a director of The Swiss Institute for Alternative Thinking,

Part of the team of experts proposing the Romania’s proposal for the EU strategy for education and IT at the time of Romania’s presidency of the EU, she is currently an expert member of the Consultative Committee for the DLT regulation of the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, appointed by the Prime Minister of Romania.

She holds a Ph.D. degree from the Bucharest University Faculty of Law, an habilitatus degree from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and is an alumnus of executive education programs of Harvard University- John F. Kennedy School of Government (Emerging Leaders, 2016), of London School of Economics (Cryptocurrency and Disruption, 2017) and the MIT -Presencing Institute (U-Lab – Leading from the Emerging Future, 2021).

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