IDSF – Speaker Profile

Astrid Mager

Astrid MAGER is senior postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, and lecturer at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna. She is currently working on her habilitation project Algorithmic Imaginaries. Visions and values in the shaping of search engines, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. Her long-standing research on search engines in socio-political contexts has been widely published in leading Science and Technology Studies (STS) and New Media Studies journals. Recent publications include “Algorithmic Profiling of Job Seekers in Austria: How Austerity Politics Are Made Effective”, Frontiers in Big Data (2020, together with D. Allhutter, F. Cech, F. Fischer, & G. Grill) and “Future Imaginaries in the Making and Governing of Digital Technology”, special issue in New Media & Society (2021, co-edited with Christian Katzenbach).

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