IDSF – Speaker Profile

Wolfgang Schwabl

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Wolfgang Schwabl was born in Linz and studied Technical Physics and Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). He received his doctorate in 1989 with distinction (sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae) and received the Heinz Zemanek Prize of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) for his dissertation. After graduating from TU Wien, he worked at Digital Equipment Austria (DEC) and joined mobilkom austria in 1996, where he initially led the IT department and later he was responsible for data security. He set up crisis management at mobilkom austria and in 2008 he was crisis manager of Telekom Austria AG during the EURO 2008 European Football Championship, which was held in Austria and Switzerland. He joined Telekom Austria AG in 2010 as Group Director for Information Security & Emergency, Wolfgang Schwabl changed 2015 to A1 as Cyber Security Officer and has been appointed Chief Security Officer in 2021. His volunteer activities include: Co-Head of the Cyber ​​Security Platform (CSP) of the Federal Chancellery, lecturer at the Strategic Leadership Course of the Federal Government, and advisory board member of

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