Assistant deputy director in the international cooperation department (DCI) of the French Ministry of Interior.
Profile: Chief superintendent. Graduate of the University of Strasbourg (political science) he works for more than 30 years in the French National police in several positions, within the criminal police and in public safety police departments.
He was advisor of the general director of the French National Police between 2003 and 2007 and in these different positions he acquired a solid experience of police organizations management and project management: challenges from community policing, coordinating cross border operations concerning prosecuting, security of international summits (G8 in Evian 2003 and G7 in Elmau 2015, NATO Summit in Strasbourg 2009), but also administrative tasks. He acquired a wide range of competencies regarding the main tasks of law enforcement agencies. As a former French liaison in Switzerland (2003) and Germany (2011 to 2015), he has been involved in the German-French cooperation in the area of civil security research (organization of workshop with the German Police University).Since 2015, he is more specifically in charge, within the Directorate for International Cooperation, of coordination and support missions for the involvement of the Ministry of the Interior in research and innovation projects under European funding, especially since September 2021 as project innovation manager. He is the coordinator of the H2020 ILEAnet practitioner network project.
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