For over 25 years, Dr. Rodney Busquim has held several management and supervisory leadership positions, being responsible for large-scale and technologically complex projects in the Brazilian Navy.
Rodney has extensive experience in leading nuclear projects related to safety and security, strategic planning and coordinating a large group of professionals. He has also worked as a Research Affiliate for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in critical systems associated with nuclear power, instrumentation and control, modeling and simulation, and computer security.
Rodney joined the IAEA in 2020, where he works with project management and technical activities for the development and implementation of IAEA program to support enhancing Member State’s computer security.
Rodney holds two master’s degrees from the MIT, in Nuclear Engineering and Systems Engineering, and a PhD degree in Systems Engineering from University of Sao Paulo (USP). His PhD research work was conducted at MIT.
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