Br. Gen (ret.) Nikos Votsios graduated the Hellenic Military Academy in 1988 as an Artillery officer. He was assigned in various Artillery units in Greece as Battery Commander and in 2010-2011 he assumed the Command of a high readiness anti-aircraft Battalion. He served for many years in Intelligence positions, in both national and international level (UN and NATO). Between 2006 – 2010 he served as a policy officer in the International Relations Directorate of the Greek MoD and in 2016 he assumed the direction of the International Relations Directorate, until 2021. This period he was also appointed as the EDA (European Defence Agency) National PoC. As an International Relations Director he was responsible for the bilateral defence cooperation and the development of the MoD’s policy, concerning NATO and the EU.
He holds a Master in European and International Relations from the University of Athens and a Master of Science in Strategic Human Resources Management from ALBA Graduate Business School in Athens.
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